Haye Farm
Proposed start date
Proposed completion date
Total Project Value (£)
Farming in Protected Landscapes Funding awarded (£)
Project Name
Haye Farm
Business name (name of lead applicant)
Jeremy Oatey of Agricola Growers Ltd
Town (location)
Summary of proposal inc. proposed outputs
Haye Farm Landscape Protection and Enhancement Project
Project to plant a new community orchard with 60 fruit trees accessible via a public and permissive footpath along with restoring and additng to an existing orchard.
Work within the SSSi reed beds adjacent to the River Tamar to remove invasive scrub.
Creation of a wildlife pond and sediment trap and leaky dams in the fields above the farmyard to better manage water runnoff and provide new habitats.
Installation of a new cattle shed which will improve the appearance of the farmyard from the Tamar and further a change in farming policy reducing the intensive arable cropping enabling a more pastoral system with native breeds as well as reducing pollution within the yard area and field poaching with associated runoff.