Originally set up in 2009, this year the Tamar Community Trust is celebrating 15 years of work to support the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, now a National Landscape. Passionate volunteers work in the protected landscape to plant trees, maintain paths, renew trail signage and support the activities to enhance the area for people to enjoy.

The Tamar Community Trust Committee has decided to expand its representation, adding to its range of skills and the capability of its delivery through recruitment of additional volunteers. A number of roles are available, including:

– Volunteers to work in the landscape

– Associates to advise and guide the Committee

– Four Trustee roles seeking Financial, Legal, Fundraising or PR skills to add to the team.

Through the Trustee recruitment, it is also intended that a new Chair may be found to lead the organisation forward, following the retirement of its current Chair, Jane Kiely.

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Jane Kiely, Chair, stated: “The Trust has an important role working alongside Tamar Valley National Landscape in ensuring that people can enjoy the area and its trails. We ensure that many of the Tamar Trails pathways are accessible and well maintained, whilst also ensuring that Wacker Quay is preserved and the Calstock Wetlands are maintained.

Jane continues: “This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals who are passionate about Nature and the Tamar Valley, and we welcome applications from all parts of the community. I’ll be retiring in September after 10 years in the seat, having been focused on delivering great things for the Tamar Valley community. Now, I’m looking forward to seeing who will take the charity on into an even brighter future.”

Sarah Gibson, Tamar Valley National Landscape Manager said: “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with the Tamar Community Trust, applauding their focus in ensuring that the trails and wetlands are accessible and well maintained. We’re grateful to Jane and the Trust’s team, their work is highly valued, and we wish to see them succeed in growing the charity and its enormously beneficial contribution to restoring Nature, assisting people and supporting the Tamar Valley.”

For further information on the roles, please click here.

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